Autochthonous variety

The autochthonous grape used to make Getariako Txakolina is the Hondarrabi and there are actually two different varieties: Hondarrabi Zuria (white) and Hondarrabi Beltza (red). The white grape is however the main variety used to produce Getariako Txakolina D.O. txakoli.

Getariako Txakolina wines

Getariako Txakolina wineries produce white txakoli first and foremost, followed by rosé and, albeit only occasionally, red txakoli. Sparkling and late-harvest wines are also produced.

Serve chilled in a glass

Getariako Txakolina Denomination of Origin txakoli is a young wine with a moderate alcohol content and balanced acidity. To fully appreciate all its nuances, we recommend serving it in a glass at a temperature of between 6 and 10ºC.

A txakoli, a land: Gipuzkoa

Although Getariako Txakolina vineyards and wineries are scattered throughout Gipuzkoa, stretching from the far east, through inland valleys and mountains all the way to the coast, 90% of the 446 hectares (some 1100 acres) of vineyards, are located in coastal areas.

Our wineries

On the interactive map you can explore the wineries with the Txakoli de Getaria designation of origin.


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    Regulatory Board of the Designation of Origin of GETARIAKO TXAKOLIN

    Parque Aldamar, 4 bajo.

    20808 Getaria, Gipuzkoa. (País Vasco)

    Tel.: 943 14 03 83

    Fax: 943 89 60 30