Txakolin Egunak 2019

Getaria Txakoli Days 2019 – Getariako Txakolin Egunak 2019

Throughout the year, Designation of Origin Getariako Txakolina organises several “Txakoli Days” in different towns in Gipuzkoa. getaria Txakoli tastings accompanied by local products to promote the work of our local framsteaders.  

The following events are coming soon:

After summer, it´s the turn of September, and the long-awaited harvest that we have worked so hard for! The Grape Harvest Festival will be held on  Saturday 21 September in Zarautz. Here, the Txakoli will be accompanied by grilled tuna: a perfect combination!

And other occasions that might well arise throughout the year!!!


Previous editions of Txakoli Day 2019:

The most recent day was held on Saturday 29 June, on Boulevard in Donostia-San Sebastián, we celebreted the Txakolin Topaketa event, were we offered our Getaria Txakoli accompanied by Baserriko Oilaskoa (farmstead-raised chicken) burgers LUMAGORRI and IDIAZABAL Protected Designation of Origin chesee “pintxos”. In this occasion, among others collaborators, were the Luis Irizar Cookery School, helping with the preparation of the ¨pintxos” and Donostia Kultura.


And we cannot forget the Getaria Txakoli days we have already celebrated:

In Azpeitia, on Saturday 15 June. here, Getaria Txakoli was accompanied by suckling lamb with Eusko Label status cooked on  acharcoal grill and Idiazabal cheese from local producers. Fourteen wineries belonging to DO Getariako Txakolina: Agerre, Akarregi-Txiki, Ameztoi, Arbela, Basa-Lore, Elkano, Katxiña, Mokoroa, Rezabal, Roke Eizaguirre, Sagarmiña, Txomin Etxaniz, Urkizahar and Zudugarai

On Saturday 25 May in Aretxabaleta. Six wineries belonging to Getariako Txakolina attended: Ameztoi, Elkano, Hiruzta, Mokoroa, Txomin Etxaniz and Ulacia.

On this occasion,  Getaria Txakoli was accompanied by cheese, ham, hamburgers and farmstead-baked bread. There was a great atmosphere thanks to the visit of carnival digures of giants an big heads from Bergara (Gipuzkoa) and La Chantrea (Pamplona) troupes. A very pleasant day, wiht around 500 people coming to taste our Txakoli.

On 14 April in Aia with the attendace of 10 wineries and tasting of grilled veal. 

On 17 January in Getaria, with the Presentation of the New Harvest and awarding of the Mahasti Juan, a tribute offered by DO Getariako Txakolina  to people or organisations who have worked to promote txakoli and Basque Gastronomy and culture. This year it went to the JAKITEA association of Gipuzkoa.


Txakolin Eguna AZPEITIA

    Regulatory Board of the Designation of Origin of GETARIAKO TXAKOLIN

    Parque Aldamar, 4 bajo.

    20808 Getaria, Gipuzkoa. (País Vasco)

    Tel.: 943 14 03 83

    Fax: 943 89 60 30